Why not?

Welcome to this website


Greetings and salutations


I have created this site as a repository of certain things that occur to me from time to time. People who know me may find things familiar and I hope most will find it interesting.


I must admit that this site will likely go the way of most of my stuff, in that there will be the occasional flurry of activity but otherwise it will lie dormant for most of the time. Nevertheless, it is what it is and hurrah for that!


Felicitations and valedictions


- Mark

Visit Markonia

Set amoungst the rolling hills and verdant landscape of our minds, The Principality of Markonia is a veritable utopia welcoming you in and giving you succor.

Other seemingly random things

Wellington Club

The Queen



Uneven Road



Coming Soon

Am I turning into a cross between Barry Gibb and Michael Landon?

What happened to the old site?

It gone to meet its maker. Wait, that's me. Scratch that! If you're actually sad to see the end of the old RidiculousThings.com then thank you. It started life as the project of a very inexperienced amateur nerd back in the late 1990's (now I'm a low-experienced amateur nerd). The old site was starting to show it's age so it became time to move on. If you never knew the old site, you've sadly missed one of the wonders of the digital age, possibly.


I'd love to hear what you think of the new site so why not let me know through the Guestbook.

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© Mark O'Callaghan - You may be able to tell but for the avoidance of doubt, I can confirm that most of the content of this website is made up ad-hoc with very little thought. While the inspiration is original many of the resources including pictures and other media are taken from other websites or other sources I generally consider to be in the public realm. If I have inadvertently infringed your copyright or offended in some other way please let me know and I will be happy to remove any offending content.